FaCtS Of LiFe

♥ You're not best friends because you sit together at LUNCh or taLK on the phone, or have matching fLiP-fLOPS or can recite each others Wardrobe. You're bestfriends because when she smiles, a grin forces itself across ur face no matter how mad you are, when she cries you instantly feel her pain and want to cry with her. When you Look her in the eyes you know theres no one you could ever tryst more regardLess of how many broken hearts you've had. That's what it means to be best friends...♥

Wedding Anniversary

Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Liar, Liar, Liar

This topic is not about jim carey's film but it was about people who is like jim carey's character.People who likes to cheat,scam,trick,con,dupe,fool & deceive other people.People who takes others for granted.People who use/exploit other people for their own goodness.I've encounter with these kind of people quite a number of times but since i came to kl,there's 2 people i really hate & won't forgive them for the rest of my life.
Both of them are guys.They were my friends.My mistake is i believe other people easily even i just know them & didn't know them well.First person is my friend's x-boyfriend.His name is KHAIRULNIZAMA BIN MD TAJUDIN (I/C NO:700212-08-5753).Actually both of us,me & my friend,have been cheated.My friend was cheated of his status & feeling.& he cheated my money.First he asked to borrow some money bcoz' he want to pay his due house rental.If he didn't pay soonest,he'll be asked to leave the house.Since he promised to pay as soon as he receive his salary, i agreed.After that,he offered to help me buy a hp.During that time my hp broke down so i was looking for a new hp.Since i had no time to look for & he admit he has a friend who sold hp & he can get a cheaper price,i gave him the money.But instead of buying the hp he admit he used the money to 'balik kg' bcoz' his father was sick.He promised to buy me the hp when he came back to kl.The third occasion that makes me raelly furious is when he didn't buy the bus ticket i asked for.He offered to help me buy the bus ticket but this time after giving him money he said he hadn't had the time to go to the bus station yet.Everytime i asked him,he gave excuses.Eventually i had to go & buy it myself.The money?As usual,he said he used it to repair his car.I was really angry bcoz' i realized he always has excuses.When i asked about my money,he asked for times & promised to pay soon.Everytime the same answer.But i can't stand him anymore when he asked my help to settle his car installment.What?Another excuses?Previous debts hadn't paid & now want to borrow more?He think i'm a bank or what?This time i declined.He was not happy about it.I'm really fed-up with him.I didn't believe his story & excuses anymore.After that i realized he started to avoid us.Whenever i mention about the money,he kept silent.He didn't pick up his hp when he see our number.He even 'buat2 lupa' about the sum of money he borrowed.Until now he hasn't keep his promise.He even change his number.Unfortunately i didn't know how to find him bcoz' he had move out from his previous house.
Second person is SYAH MILAN BIN HUSSIN (IC NO:840308-03-5659).He was my fiance's friend.He admitted he can make a gdl license without going for the test bcoz' his uncle worked for jpj.I know it is wrong but some people want it the easy way.During that time my boss wanted to make gdl for his son.So,he said he can make it but he asked for a deposit since my boss didn't want to pay full b4 the license is ready.So,after giving him the money & all the documents needed,he promised the license will be ready in 2 weeks time.But the time is over,he started giving excuses.He said it takes a bit of another times bcoz' the license was processed in kelantan not in kl.Then he said his uncle gone for a seminar/course in Sabah so we have to wait him to come back.After that he said his uncle's staff asked for a full payment if we want it ready faster.Since we want it urgently,i paid the balance on behalf of my boss since my boss didn't want to pay the balance yet.
But the bad things happenned when he received the money.He keep giving excuses.Then he stop picking up his hp.He keep avoiding us.He move out from his house & no one know where he have moved.No one knows where he work.My fiance tried to look for him around his workplace but he didn't show up.We asked his other friends but no one knows.Oh damn,i've been cheated again.I can't believe it.I never thought he was that kind of person.I knew his family;his wife & children.They seems very nice.He was an x-policeman so i never thought he's going to cheat us.Bcoz' of him i lost my money.I even have to pay back my boss.Oh,i hate him.
Why do people like these exist in this world?Why do people have a gut to cheat other people.We've been very nice to them,help them a lot but then they cheat us.I know they've cheated us bcoz' if not why they keep avoiding us?stop picking up the hp?If they can't pay it now,at least tell the truth.They can even pay it partly.
I always pray to god;should they have the heart,please pay back bcoz' i need the money badly.But if they intend to cheat me,please god,punish them for what they had done to me.I never harm them but why they cheated me?What's my mistake to them?I never ever 'halalkan' all the money taken by them till the end of this world.I never ever forgive them for what they did to me.I pray to god,let them feel/have the trouble/problem worst than i felt/had now.I never care if the bad things happened to their family (both of them have wife & children) bcoz' they have to responsible for what their husband did.Sometimes i'm thinking of looking for 'bomoh' or shaman to 'bomohkan' them but then i think let Allah 'balas' for their doings.
I've read somewhere,people who debted to other person & the creditor didn't 'halalkan',the debtor's good doing won't be accepted by Allah.

"Berdosa besar bagi orang yang sengaja tidak membayar hutang. Seseorang yang suka melewat-lewatkan bayaran hutang setelah berkemampuan untuk membayar-nya, boleh mendatangkan kesan buruk dalam hidupnya bukan sahaja di dunia bahkan di akhirat antaranya :

i.Hidup akan ditimpa kehinaan dan hilang maruahnya.
ii.Hidup mereka tidak akan mendapat keredhaan dan keberkatan Allah.
iii.Perbuatan mereka itu digolongkan dalam perbuatan zalim.
iv.Amalan kebajikan mereka tidak akan diterima.

Sabda Rasul S.A.W.
Maksudnya : "Penangguhan hutang oleh orang yang berkuasa membayarnya, adalah satu kezaliman, halal maruah dan hukuman ke atasnya (iaitu pemberi hutang boleh mengambil tindakan ke atas diri dan maruahnya)
(Riwayat Ibnu Majah)

Sabda Rasul S.A.W.
Maksudnya : "Kurangkan dirimu daripada melakukan dosa, maka akan mudahlah bagimu ketika hendak mati. Kurangkan daripada berhutang nescaya kamu akan hidup bebas".

(Riwayat Baihaqi)

Hutang adalah tanggungan yang wajib dilangsaikan. Betapa beratnya soal hutang hinggakan hukum menentukan jika si pemiutang meninggal dunia, sebelum harta pusaka dibahagikan, mestilah dilangsaikan dulu hutangnya, jika tidak anak dan warisnya wajib melunaskan hutang berkenaan.Ketika mayat hendak dibawa ke tanah perkuburan, waris akan mengisytiharkan bahawa sesiapa yang masih berhutang dengan si mati, dia boleh menuntut pada warisnya. Begitulah beratnya soal hutang.Nabi Muhammad SAW menegaskan betapa besarnya dosa seorang manusia yang berhutang kemudian dia ada kemampuan untuk membayar tetapi tidak mahu membayarnya, sebaliknya menggunakan wang berkenaan untuk tujuan lain.Tidak kira sama ada hutang pada individu mahupun hutang kepada syarikat, adalah wajib bagi yang berhutang membayarnya."

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