Today, i had an arguement again with my fiance. As usual, money. I told him this month, we had to spend wisely as my salary balance was less than b4 bcoz' i had to pay back my personal loans & we just bought a new tv. I told him already but he still spending it as he wish. He wanted to buy this & that, he even want to eat expensive food & even eat out at mamak stall late at night.I reminded him,if want to eat till the end of this month we had to sacrifice.Eat & buy what we can afford.But he wouldn't listen. When i forbid him,he'll react like a children,sulking.
Today,we had no money to eat,no money to buy his cigars, nothing. & as usual, he asked me to find money. Oh,i'm tired of this.I'm tired of borrowing money from others as until today i still owe my brothers & my cousin.I'm not dare make a new loan.I'm tired of asking for an advance from my boss bcoz' just last week,i asked for advance.Not again.How much will left for me next salary?& how are we going to survive next month with a limited money?
He said how can he start working if he got no money?That's his problem bcoz' i already had my problem.I was sad when he accused me of not trying hard enough to find the money?Oh ye,who's the one make sure we eat every month?Whos' the one make sure we have a home for a shelter?He?Not in his life.
I don't care.This time i'm going to wait & see.I don't care if i 've nothing to eat.Thanx goodness the office just a walking distance from my house.I'm just tired.I reminded him a few times.He's the one who want me to move here.I told him,he had to work harder if he wanted a house bcoz' the rental is higher & we even had to pay the utility bills.My debt is increasing.
Why can't he just borrow from his siblings?All his brothers & sisters are working & have their own business.Can't they just lend him some money?When i told him to borrow from his siblings, as usual,excuses.But when he asked me to borrow from my siblings,when i gave excuses,he will scold me,accusing me of not wanting to help him.Oh,sometimes i'm fed-up,i'm tired of this.Why can't he change?For the sake of us?
He spent RM2.8 million in one night.
17 hours ago
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