FaCtS Of LiFe

♥ You're not best friends because you sit together at LUNCh or taLK on the phone, or have matching fLiP-fLOPS or can recite each others Wardrobe. You're bestfriends because when she smiles, a grin forces itself across ur face no matter how mad you are, when she cries you instantly feel her pain and want to cry with her. When you Look her in the eyes you know theres no one you could ever tryst more regardLess of how many broken hearts you've had. That's what it means to be best friends...♥

Wedding Anniversary

Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Monday, June 9, 2008


31 May 2008 - 9 June 2008

Today is the last day sukma malaysia held in my home town, terengganu.Too bad i am in kl & can't go home to attend the event & celebrate our state's victory as the champion,the highest gold medal receivers.I'm not an athlet.Also not good at sports.But,i do aware of sports event such as right now all football fans are having fever;football fever - EURO 2008.
I was so proud of my state's contingents.Even though we're not a wealthy state,even though our state's sport prasarana/accomodations are not well build,at least we can prove that all the weaknesses & shortage won't stop us to become best sportsman/woman.Terengganu Boleh.
One more thing,i was so proud to see all new accomodation provided by the state government.It almost 6 months i didn't go back to my home town & everytime i was back home,i just stay at home & sometimes brought my mom to the pasar payang & mydin to buy house grocerries.A very short/limited day off made me appreciate it very well by staying at home & accompany my mom.That's all.No time to wonder around.So,i've no idea about the new stadium even though it was just a few minutes from my house.I was so proud to see the modern & 'canggih' prasarana.But i think the authority should build a new swimming pool as the exist pool was too old.The new stadium means that the old stadium in the heart of kt town will be demolished soon.It's going to be a little bit ackward after this when we pass the area & it's not there anymore.Even though i've never been in that stadium all my life,it's sure a very well-known landmark for us.

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