FaCtS Of LiFe

♥ You're not best friends because you sit together at LUNCh or taLK on the phone, or have matching fLiP-fLOPS or can recite each others Wardrobe. You're bestfriends because when she smiles, a grin forces itself across ur face no matter how mad you are, when she cries you instantly feel her pain and want to cry with her. When you Look her in the eyes you know theres no one you could ever tryst more regardLess of how many broken hearts you've had. That's what it means to be best friends...♥

Wedding Anniversary

Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Monday, June 30, 2008

Pilih Pasangan Ikut Syariat

Pilih pasangan ikut syariat (Text From Harian Metro)

ISLAM agama yang menjamin kesejahteraan kepada manusia dunia dan akhirat.
Dalam memilih pasangan, Islam turut memberikan garis panduan supaya rumah tangga yang dibina memberikan kerahmatan, ketenangan dan keharmonian.
Justeru, Islam menasihati umatnya memilih pasangan yang sesuai supaya kebahagiaan dan ketenangan diidamkan men jadi kenyataan di alam rumah tangga.
Antaranya, memilih calon pasangan berdasarkan agama, taat dan berakhlak dengan keperibadian Islam.
Bagi orang yang kefahaman agamanya kurang, perbezaan pendapat menjadi melarat, bertambah kusut, dihambur ka ta-kata kesat dan diungkit segalanya, sehingga kemanisan menjadi pudar, berganti dengan kebencian.
Nabi Muhammad s.a.w ada memberikan penekanan kepada sesiapa yang ingin berkahwin agar memilih pasangan yang beragama.
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w bermaksud: “Perempuan dikahwini atas empat perkara; kerana hartanya, keturunannya, ke cantikannya dan agamanya. Pilihlah perempuan yang ber agama, nescaya kamu akan diberkati Allah.” (Riwayat Bu khari, Muslim dan lain-lain)
Rasulullah s.a.w menasihati keluarga anak gadis supaya menyegerakan perkahwinan apabila dilamar calon suami daripada kalangan yang beragama dan berakhlak, malah berkemampuan memenuhi hak isteri dan anak.
Sabda baginda bermaksud: “Apabila kamu didatangi sesiapa yang kamu boleh menerima agamanya dan akhlaknya, kamu mesti membenarkannya mengahwini anak perempuan kamu. Jika kamu tidak berbuat demikian, nescaya satu fitnah besar akan berlaku di bumi serta menjadi keburukan dan kerosakan yang berleluasa.”
Fitnah akan menimpa maruah agama dan umat Islam, jika seorang pemudi beriman terperangkap dengan suami yang tidak beriman, tiada pegangan akidah, tidak bertakwa dan tiada kesedaran.
Pasangan suami isteri yang ideal juga bermula dengan keturunan yang baik-baik dan kerana itu Islam menasihati umatnya memberikan keutamaan kepada keturunan yang baik.
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, maksudnya: “Jangan dekati tumbuhan hijau di tempat kotor. Lalu bertanyalah kalangan pendengar kepada Rasulullah. Apa dia tumbuhan hijau di tempat kotor wahai Rasulullah? Baginda menjawab: Pe rempuan cantik yang membesar di rumah yang penuh kejahatan serta keburukan.” (Riwayat ad-Dar al-Qutni, al-As kari dan Ibnu 'Adi)
Bagi lelaki, jangan kerana senyuman seorang gadis yang menawan, rupa yang cantik dan bentuk badan yang menarik membuatkan seseorang tidak berfikir panjang, malah terus melupakan kriteria ditegaskan Rasulullah secara berkias itu.
Calon pasangan suami isteri juga seeloknya bukan daripada kaum kerabat keluarga bagi memelihara kecerdikan zuriat dan menghindari penyakit atau kecacatan disebabkan ke turunan.
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, maksudnya: “Janganlah menikah dengan kaum kerabat, kerana anak daripada pernikahan itu akan membesar kurus, lemah tubuh badannya dan tidak cerdik.”
Sabda Baginda lagi: “Berkahwinlah dengan orang asing (tidak mempunyai tali persaudaraan) dan janganlah me ngahwini kaum kerabat sendiri supaya boleh mengelak kelahiran anak yang lemah dan tidak sihat.”
Bagi lelaki, Islam juga menasihati supaya mengutamakan wanita yang masih dara.
Bagi wanita yang pernah berkahwin kemungkinan ada penilaian lain pada suaminya, seperti membuat perbandingan antara suami dan bekas suaminya yang dulu.
Dalam hadis diriwayatkan Ibnu Majah dan al-Baihaqi, maksudnya: “Kahwinlah anak dara sesungguhnya mereka ini selalu berkata dengan baik, lemah lembut, kemungkinan kesuburan mereka amat besar (mendapat anak), kurang tipu helah mereka (jujur) dan mudah reda dengan yang sedikit.”
Aspek kesuburan juga elok diberikan keutamaan dalam memilih pasangan.
Tanda kesuburan ini boleh juga diperhatikan keadaan ibu dan adik-beradiknya yang sudah berkahwin. Jika keluarganya besar, ramai ahli keluarga, besar kemungkinan dia begitu juga.
Dalam hubungan ini ada seorang lelaki bertanya Rasulullah s.a.w bermaksud: “Wahai Rasulullah saya jatuh cinta dengan seorang perempuan yang berketurunan baik, berkedudukan dan kaya, cuma dia tidak boleh beranak. Adakah boleh saya berkahwin dengannya? Terus Rasulullah s.a.w melarangnya.
Kemudian lelaki itu datang dan bertanya kepada Rasulullah kali kedua. Rasulullah menjawabnya sama dengan pertama.
Lelaki itu datang dan bertanya kali ketiga. Lalu Rasulullah menjawab dengan sabdanya yang diriwayatkan Abu Daud, an-Nasai dan al-Hakim: “Berkahwinlah dengan perempuan yang boleh beranak ramai dan bersifat lemah lembut serta bermesra, sesungguhnya aku akan bermegah dengan kamu terhadap umat yang ramai.”

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Things We Have In Common

1. Home Town
Both of us worked in KL.We met in KL but we came from the same state;trganu, only different district;i'm from kt & he's from setiu.
2. TV programme

Both of us are tv junkies.We loved cartoon programmes very much.Usually,we can spend our weekend morning in front of the tv just to watch cartoons.His favorite cartoons are spongebob, ninja turtles & dragon ball.Me?I watch all of them.
3. Food
We like to eat all kind of food.Both of us like to eat.We can even eat at mamak stall at 3am with no regret.Most of our salary spent for food.May be that's why both of us became fatter & fatter each day....

4. Birthday
Both of us were born in July ; but different day & year.If we add in our day of birth, the result is the same.

5. Simple House Decoration
Both of us agreed with simple house decoration.We didn't want those luxurious furniture or furniture made of 'kayu jati' in our house.It's not that we can't afford it.It's bcoz' we want something simple & not too crowded.We thought those kind of furniture are too old looking for us.
6. We hate milk
Sorry milk.Not bcoz' we have something against u.It just that we can't have those milky taste especially milk powder.It makes us want to vomit.

8. Favourite Colour
Both of us love blue;blue clothes,blue umbrella,blue bag,all blue.
9. There's No Place Like Home
Both of us homely type of people.We love calm & silent environment.We can't stand with the crowd & noises.We prefer staying at home;watching tv or reading,compare to cram/pack with the crowd/going to the crowded palces.

10. We're Shy People
Believe or not,we're shy people.So that's why we've decided we won't 'bersanding' during our wedding day.There will be no dais (pelamin).Apart of to thrifty, we're too shy to be seen.I know,most of our friends commented about over decision.They said,it was a once in a life time ceremony & there'll be no more 'bersanding' after this (except if we remarried after this).Both of us agreed,'bersanding' just only a waste of money.There's no use of sitting infront of the crowd/spectator.We're not a celebrity.We're just 2 ordinary people; shy people.& we think,we're too old to 'bersanding'.Luckily both of our parents understand our decision.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

It's Hard To Be A Nice Person

Some people said i'm very nice.They said i'm polite, soft spoken, lady like, kind-hearted, helpful, cool & 'wanita melayu terakhir' (maybe bcoz' i wore 'baju kurung' all the time when i went to work).I didn't jump to my own conclusion about who i'm.I'm just write what poeple said about me.Not even person i've known for ages but also strangers i just met every where.

Is it the traits to be a nice people?Gosh,i've no idea.But if this is what people called nice people,i guess it really hard.I remember long time ago a person used to tell me,it's hard to be a nice person,when she heard about my story.At that time i had a big problem with my bf (now my fiance).He's gone with not a single word.
My boss used to say to me;stop being too nice to others,when a friend cheat on me.I helped him a lot but eventually he cheated & i've to face the consequences on my own.
I don't know how to scold people.I'm too patient.But i do have a rough side that... can get scary even for me when i blow off steam. Just wish being nice wasn't considered such a bad thing...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Internet Dating

I'm sure most of us heard about internet dating.But do u believe the effectiveness to find ur couple thru this method? Some said,.But,does it a true love?
Millions of people have tried online dating in the past few years and over a 100,000 new people go online in search of love on a weekly basis, according to Personal Helper.com. Several sites exist that offer online date.
Dating sites allow members to meet more people than they would without such sites. People can easily browse other members’ profiles before deciding to communicate. Members can communicate anonymously and with reduced fear or social awkwardness. The effect of geography is mitigated and members can meet people of distant locations.
I believe there is nothing wrong with using technology to assist you with meeting the right person as nowadays people are bz with their jobs & have no time to find love. However, that said individuals need to be smart to approach to on-line dating. Safety is a major concern when meeting people on-line bcoz' often times people tend to fabricate things a tad on their profiles.
I have several friends who met their husband on the internet;Ija & Isma.But it was way long time ago;10 years+ when the malaysian just being introduced to internet.On that time,as people were still naive about the net,their friendships were real.They didn't know how to cheat or exagerate things.They can reveal their personal info with no worries of being identity steals, internet fraud or whatsoever. Everyone seems very honest & trustworthty.
But nowadays,it's hard to believe what are people on the net said about themselves.I've tried meeting people on the net but i've no intention to make them as my lover,just to make new friends & to ease my curiosity about on-line dating.I managed to attract few men to meet me.Sometimes, we can see their true colours at the begining of the on-line chat.Others,after a few days of knowing.But,all of them were in hurry to meet me.Today we chat,by that evening they already wanted to meet us.

It's true,i've met some of them but sad to say,all of them had discouraged me not to meet on-line friends anymore,especially guys.I don't know why,may be i've been in a wrong time & at a wrong place to meet them.All of them were talking about SEX.All of them met me just to have SEX.All of them were SEX maniac.Sorry guys,i'm not acusing but that what had happened to me.Not a single men i met were honest & good guys.I'm not saying i'm a very good person,but it seems that every people met in the net already knows this trait.It seems that they (men) were ready to have SEX even on the first date.It seems that one nite stand was common thing to them.
It was so scary.No more on-line meeting for me as i had enough.& it also happened to my friends.They wanted to meet for the same reason;SEX. From that on,i've stop on-line chatting with strangers especially guys.I've a few chatting guy friends left but i've no intention to meet them face to face bcoz' i've had it.Furthermore,i've already have someone special in my life,so no more on-line chatting for me.
The morale of the story,be very cautious when getting know on-line friends.The most important thing is,please avoid exchange greeting with the people who used lewd nickname.& don't ever ever reveal ur personal information.Give ur handphone number or ur exact home address after u really confident with them.Last but not least,meet them in the open space area or in the crowd for ur own safety.It's better if u meet them accompanied by a friend or at least told ur friend or family members ur whereabouts when meeting them bcoz' u don't know what will happened & who u actually met.I'm surprised with myself bcoz' i didn't used all these precautions last time (except for not giving my hp no) but i've learned my lesson after reading a lot of scary news about meeting new friends of opposite sex.I'm amazed with myself,how brave i'm met with them with no precautions.Thanx god,nothing bad had happened to me.....

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Are U A Giver Or Taker?

Learn how to better communicate with your partner, friends and family

Let me ask you a question: Are you a giver or a taker?

My hunch is, if you hesitated more than ten seconds, you are a taker — because we givers know right away what category we fall into. In case you are still clueless, think about your own lives. If you exhaust yourself daily, cleaning, cooking, working, and then organizing your household without any family support or assistance (and they are all fully capable), then you are a giver. I am not talking about what you have to do for a special occasion like a holiday. I am referring to the day-in and day-out dance of doing for others and leaving yourself totally out of the mix. The end result is that you are dog-tired, sleep-deprived and pissed off because no one recognizes just how hard you are working.

The roots of our giver tendencies come from our childhood. We all have a need to be loved. You may have found that most people, especially parents, don’t respond well to spoiled or demanding children. Avoiding the wrath of your mom, or an extremely mean teacher, meant sharing nicely, speaking softly and never, ever talking back. Can you see where I am going with this? Or maybe you were one of many in a large family or a dysfunctional family or a large, dysfunctional family where survival mode required staying under the radar. The end result was that you learned that it was better to be a pleaser than a demanding taker, with no guarantee of your needs being met. Being a giver enabled you to make friends, be invited over to visit for play dates with a seemingly endless stream of birthday invitations. How many of us grew up hearing “It is better to give than to receive”? Yup, believed it then; now it’s like, Yeah, right.

As women, not only are our brains wired for “giving,” we are socialized into relationship patterns of self-sacrifice and self-silence. In her book, "The Female Brain," Dr. Louann Brizendine writes about the female brain being wired to connect deeply in friendship, read voices and faces for emotion and defuse conflict. It is no wonder that when we are stressed, we pull our loved ones closer, taking care of their needs and neglecting our own. In my own household, where both myself and my husband work, my children never ask my husband what is for dinner. It is always, “Mom, what’s for dinner?” One time, I was on a business trip across on the West Coast, he was home and they called me to ask me what they were going to eat. I told them to ask their father and hung up.

Men can be givers as well. All it takes to be a giver is someone (taker) who is willing to receive. Takers may get a bad rap. I mean, how nice it would be to be self-centered, entitled, and narcissistic and still get what you want handed to you on a silver platter. The main description that comes to mind is that takers are selfish. News flash: Givers can be selfish, too. When one gives as a means of controlling another one, that is selfish.

The bottom line is this: The process of giving and taking is a dynamic of every relationship. Giving, receiving and sacrificing are how our relationships are tested and hopefully grow. If you are a taker and know it, flip the script and give a little bit. Givers, relax, instead of doing — speak up and ask for what you want or need. Take for a while, it really is OK. Ask yourself: How is my giving or taking serving me now?

Here are some tips:

1. Pay attention to your feelings and motives when giving or receiving.
2. Don’t be afraid to communicate your own needs.
3. Be aware of the signals that you give off.
4. Realize that you can change your behavioral patterns and responses.
- By Dr. Janet Taylor -

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Will Marriage Make U Happier?

Questions u need to ask b4 jump into marriage:-
1. What is ur reason to get married?
2. Are u ur own boss?
3. Do u have old friendships, or ur friendships break frequently?
4. Do ur work involve long days and even nights?
5. Do u have a very big social circle?
6. Are u afraid of commitments?
7. Are u an adventurous or homely person?

Some people just want to get married bcoz' they're lonely & don't want to be alone for the rest of their life.Some just don't want to be called 'anak dara tua' and tired of being asked the same question over & over again especially by family members;when do u want to get married?.Some are forced to get married.Some are married bcoz' all people around them are married.But have they ever asked themselves;will the marriage make them happy?

Will marriage make you happier?

I took this Quiz- Will marriage make you happier?

My Result Was:
You seem to be ideal and ready for marriage. If you feel that marriage will give happiness to you and your future spouse, go ahead.

Try another quiz or try the same quiz Will marriage make you happier?

More Myspace Quizzes on lots of topics.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sweet Romantic Things to Do for Your Sweetheart

Sweet Romantic Things to Do for Your Sweetheart
By Kathryn D'Imperio

1. Leave little love notes or piles of candy when you visit each other. Stash them away where your honey will be sure to find them, whether in the car, under his/her pillow or in a travel bag.

2. Call just because you are thinking of him or her leave a cute message in the voicemail or send a text message with a sweet or seductive meaning. If you prefer to leave a message as opposed to talking, call when you know he or she is unavailable so a little something sweet is waiting upon return to the cell phone, home or office.

3. Send an email, or better yet, get old-fashioned and send a letter or a card through the mail to express your love. After all, who doesnt love getting mail (well, except for bills!) as a surprise?

4. When you are getting together for an evening or even for just a few minutes, pick up his or her favorite treat or snack, a specialty coffee or dessert as a sweet surprise. If you are going to rent a movie or spend some quiet time at home, get a few snacks to enjoy with a flick or some television.

5. Speaking of renting movies, surprise your sweetheart with a movie you pick out that you know he or she would really enjoy. I often have a difficult time making up my mind about which movie to rent, so it would definitely be a huge but much appreciated step if I brought one over that I knew he would like.

6. You know those sweet things you think of when you are together or just thinking about your honey? Well, next time a thought pops in your mind, voice it! Girls especially love to know what wonderful things go on in the inner workings of their guys minds, so chances are, guys may also enjoy a few catch phrases.

7. When you spend time together, help each other out with chores to free up more time to spend together. Sometimes lending a hand can even be fun when you are both working together.

8. Swap massages, or simply give your partner a massage if you get the idea that he or she has had a long day. Foot massages and back rubs can do wonders for relaxing people and alleviating stress. Many males seem to enjoy having their backs gently scratched or rubbed softly as a means of helping them to relax.

9. Bring home take-out from a favorite dining establishment after a long day so the two of you can enjoy some food in the comfort of your own home. It isnt quite as romantic as cooking it yourself, but it is definitely a nice gesture.

10. Pick wildflowers or give a single rose or carnation for no reason. I even found a four-leaf clover once to give to my sweetheart.

12. Do something you may not want to, simply because it is important to him or her. This can be anything from attending a show or an event to doing a chore, giving up a bad habit or just trying something new. Find out what is important to him or her if you dont already know, and make it happen.

13. Spend time with his or her family. The seriousness of a relationship can sometimes be gauged by how one interacts with his or her partners family. Spending time at your honeys familys home can also serve to strengthen your relationship.

14. Spend extra time getting readydress up or wear something that you know your sweetheart loves to see on you.

15. Snuggle up and take a nap together. There is nothing quite like falling asleep and waking up in the arms of the one you love.

16. Play romantic music and dance together. Slowly dancing around the room to a favorite song can mean so much more when it is completely unexpected.

17. Go on a picnic! Gather your favorite foods, drinks and desserts, a comfortable blanket and some utensils, plates, cups and napkins and head out for the park on a beautiful day. Go for a walk in the park while you are there and enjoy all of the nature around you.

18. Carry his or her photo in your wallet. Keep your sweetie present at all times by putting a photo of him/her or the two of you together in your wallet, at work, in your car or wherever you think you would most like to see it.

19. Bring your sweetheart to visit places you came to know and love in your childhood. Parks, playgrounds, the zoo, pumpkin patches, museums, amusement parks, beaches, boardwalks and any other attractions that you enjoyed as a child can bring back happy memories to share with your significant other.

20. Share your daydreams. Whatever makes your heart soar at thoughts of the future, consider sharing those ideas with your special one. Daydreaming together can be a very romantic and emotional experience, whether it is fully in jest or in a degree of serious contemplation.

21. Spray a little bit of your perfume or cologne on his or her pillow. You will be on each others minds to begin with, but the lingering scent after you have gone separate ways for the night will bring sweeter dreams than usual.

22. Send romantic ecards to your sweetheart. If you are already intimate, send sensual ecards!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Falling In Love With Ur Best Friend (Of Opposite Sex)

The best romantic partner is also your best friend: someone you can talk to about anything, someone you can trust entirely, and someone whose company you will enjoy for every second of your relationship. Most people already have such a person in their lives - their best friend! But if you want to take that a level further, especially if your best friend is already in love with you, it may be worth taking the chance!
The problem is, sometimes people have a mental barrier set for seeing their best friend as only a friend and nothing more.

Steps :
1. Don't be afraid to ruin the friendship. You're already best friends and you know how to work out your problems and stop fighting. If you really are close and a further relationship doesn't work out, you can go back to being just friends. Yes, it may be painful and it may take some time - consider this as a test of true friendship.
2. Talk to your best friend both about your current relationship and about the possibilities, and you may find out that you're both interested in each other.
3. Make a list of all of your best friend's qualities that you really like and respect. Now, make a list of all the things you want from a romantic relationship. Finally, grab a highlighter and highlight the qualities that match: it may surprise you!
4. Use your imagination: think what it would be like to be closer to your best friend, and it may give you a hint to how much you would enjoy it.
5. Set a romantic mood and do something together as friends, such as going to the beach, doing a dance, or having a candlelight dinner alone. You may find that new feelings surface when the atmosphere is right.
6. Share your dreams together. Often, talking together about the future makes you realize that you want to spend the future together.
7. Take your time. Falling in love is not a quick process, and you should make sure that you are fully ready to take your relationship with your best friend further before you do so.

...it's true

This Day In History