FaCtS Of LiFe

♥ You're not best friends because you sit together at LUNCh or taLK on the phone, or have matching fLiP-fLOPS or can recite each others Wardrobe. You're bestfriends because when she smiles, a grin forces itself across ur face no matter how mad you are, when she cries you instantly feel her pain and want to cry with her. When you Look her in the eyes you know theres no one you could ever tryst more regardLess of how many broken hearts you've had. That's what it means to be best friends...♥

Wedding Anniversary

Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Monday, May 25, 2009


Pg2 td big boss bgtau ada org nk dtg interview ari ni @ esok. 2 girls. 1 utk assist me & the other one sebagai general clerk. Tup2 my lady boss call one of them dh ada kt pintu depan utk dtg interview. Kelam kabut la aku sbb aku tgh cbuk + tak prepare apa2. Actually aku tgh cbuk dgn working paper utk meeting esok, alih2 ada yg nk dtg interview plak. Apa lagi, main redah je la. As usual, my big boss serah kt aku utk interview sbb as he said, hnya aku yg tau apa yg aku perlukn since she is going to assist me in the future. Erm...
Her name is suraya, a graduate from UPM in business admin. Married with a baby. Pengalaman keje tak byk. Mula2 dulu keje as a teaching assistant kt upm. After that keje kt sebuah construction company selama 3 bln, release org bsalin. Now ni dh nk msuk 1 year duk tanam anggur. Lps tnya itu & ini, & bincang pasal gaji seme, she's accepted. Start 8hb depan. Erm, actually ni bukan la sesi temuduga apa pn. Lbih kpd sesi suaikenal since my boss yg recommend dia dtg ke sini. So, lps ni aku akan dpt assistant baru. Ntah bape lama plak budak baru ni dpt btahan. Biasa lps 3 bulan confirm keje + ada increment tp this time (my idea la ni), aku drag tempoh percubaan smpai 6 months. Bukan apa, takut mcm yg dulu, baru nk msuk 3 bln, baru jer naik gaji, baru jer potong epf, tup2 bhenti.
The second girl x sure bila bleh dtg bsuaikenal since as my lady boss ckp, dia xde transport nk dtg. Klau x silap that girl stay kt kajang, xde personal transport + skrg ni tgh keje kt 'shopping complex'. Rasanya promoter kot. Lepasn spm jer. Alright la klau nk keje general clerk. Ala, bukan susah pn keje; angkat tepon, fotostat, binding + buat filing. Klau xde keje sgt, bleh la cuci opis ni skali. Aku malas nk mengemas daaa. My lady boss suruh aku sewakn 1 bilik kt umah aku pd that girl. Ya ampun, tak boleh. Msti hubby aku tak bg. Aku pn taknak bg. Bahaya. Hubby ckp, nnti xde privacy. Hubby aku ni dah la suka Plus my family members suka dtg umah kami, so susah la klau diaorg nk bmalam nnti. The 3rd room dh kami jdkn stor sementara. Dulu plan nk buat bilik solat tp buat masa ni blom jd coz' bilik tu ada problem ckit. Paip dlm dinding bocor, so air dh menyerap smpai keluar. Takde la smpai mengalir tp berbau la sbb ada kulapuk. Dulu tuan umah dh tengok, katanya akan dtg repair tp smpai skrg, dh dekat sethn, takde pn.

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